03 Jun 2009
Instability in Love
There are many complex issues about what creates bonding and attachments in relationships.
Located on 57th Street, The Positive Mind Center delivers comprehensive mental health counseling and psychotherapy. Founded by Armand DiMele over 40 years ago.
Learn More About The Center03 Jun 2009
There are many complex issues about what creates bonding and attachments in relationships.
02 Jun 2009
Understanding the mechanisms of panic attacks can help alleviate the persistence of them.
30 Apr 2009
There are key qualities of leaders that promote successful leadership
29 Apr 2009
Armand helps callers explore symbolic relationships and symbolic roles.
28 Apr 2009
Deception and truth, making up stories, story telling, dishonesty and lying, keeping secrets, truth telling.
01 May 2004
Armand introduces the Troubled Relationship Series.
23 Apr 2009
Armand helps callers link their childhood dreams to their feelings of significance.
22 Apr 2009
Armand discusses our need to disguise and hide our frailty.
21 Apr 2009
Adapted from lecture by Tony Robbins. Armand explores the four needs of certainty, uncertainty and significant.
16 Apr 2009
The concept of courage is worthy of question. Listeners call in with their ideas.
15 Apr 2009
Today's economic climate has unconscious effects on people's psyche.
14 Apr 2009
Discussion about how to find direction and set goals with heart.
09 Apr 2009
Understanding other individuals can help us become more connected to others.
08 Apr 2009
Armand Interviews Dacher Keltner, author of Born To Be Good: The Science of a Meaningful Life
07 Apr 2009
Armand interviews Mary Roach, author of Bonk- The Curious Coupling of Science and Sex
Programs featuring the enneagram
Programs about cutting edge research
Programs about passive-agressive, bipolar disorder and other anger related conditions
Programs about fragile emotions
Armand discusses living with depression
Programs pertaining to Stress, Tension and Anxiety
Armand looks at the lighter side of psychology
A collection of radio programs discussing various human behaviours and tendancies
A short series on addictions, compulsions and self destructive behaviors
Armand discusses his ground breaking theory on birth order
Various interviews of Armand and his special guests
A discussion about narcissism, dependency, grandiosity and depression
A totally new perspective on feelings of isolation and aloneness
This is the Men's series
Remarkable insights relating sex, evolution and how we got to be who we are
Learn about what makes a good relationship and how to make your relationships stronger
Established in 1978, The Foundation for Positive Psychology has a mission encourage people to learn about themselves, and improve their lives through positive thinking. Funds are used to cover production and delivery costs for "The Positive Mind", and to provide therapy to those who cannot afford it.
Original host of "The Positve Mind" for 35 years. His presence among the radio waves will always be remembered, as his reach as both a therapist and a host spread across the world. He was a Board Certified Diplomate in Clinical Social Work, a Certified Rehabilitation Specialist and a registered graduate education Supervisor.
Kevin is the co-host and producer of "The Positive Mind" on WBAI 99.5 FM in New York City. A native of Queens, NY Kevin was Armand's only student and close colleague for the last 3 years of his life. Kevin is happy to continue the legacy of Armand on the air for many, many years to come.
Contact MeBen is a co-producer of "The Positive Mind". For his tenth birthday, he received a clock radio from a neighbor, beginning of a lifelong love of radio. After listening to the program for years, Ben became part of the team in 2014.
Contact MeNiseema is co-producer and featured guest on "The Positive Mind". She hopes to educate the listeners about the importance of the body mind connection.
Contact MeLinda is a featured guest who co-hosted the show with Armand and joins us to provide a clinical voice that adds the feminine perspective and expertise in trauma and PTSD.
Contact Me